01 junio, 2007


Fosca es un grupo pop casi desconocido liderado por Dickon Edwards (un británico típico) que me ha sorprendido gratamente nada más escucharles. Si queréis podéis escuchar más canciones completas o fragmentos de sus canciones, os gustarán.

Este es el único vídeo que he encontrado y también me ha gustado mucho, su autor es Anthony Aslund, un aficionado a hacer vídeos músicales completamente artesanales.

Descubiertos ambos de manera insospechada a partir de un recomendable blog que se define como "de opinión crítica completamente anti-" y que efectivamente es bastante anti-sistema aunque de una manera muy razonable. Desde esta entrada, en la que habla de lo poco que en realidad hay en la web, he llegado paradójica, final y sorprendentemente a fosca ¿serás capaz de recorrer el mismo camino o te perderás?

Dear girl, you will be a boy for him tonight.

Dear girl, he only wants to see the boy in you tonight.

Do you still mooch there, still hung up on wedge hair?

Do you still mope there, falling asleep with wet hair?

All that you really want, is to know what it is you really want.

Overweight wallflower goth, brought up on the wrong side of Lowestoft.

With your crime of Being Yourself. And your punishment of Staying Yourself.

Who exactly is your type? Where exactly is your type?

Confused and proud, but you can't say it loud.

You're confused and proud, but you'll brazen it out.

Of the forty-eight genders why must you concern yourself with merely two?

Plumping for polarity in your life, as if that somehow means more clarity in life.

And if we held a protest demonstration, we'd all march off in different directions.

Confused and proud, but it's scarcely allowed.

You're confused and proud, and thrown out of the crowd.

I didn't CHASE you, I more fell towards you.

No, I did not CHOOSE you, I just fell towards you.

And while sobriety slumbers, you and I may swap numbers.

But those dutiful digits won't be dialled. Those dutiful digits won't be dialled.

They're digits inevitably filed. They're digits to remain un-dialled.

More digits that will never be dialled. More digits just scribbled and filed.

More digits that will NEVER be dialled. More digits just written and filed.

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Seguro que me pierdo buscando a Fosca, que parece merece la pena.

Pero en realidad, lo que yo quería, era Felicitarte.



Tinta China

Anónimo dijo...

Yo tambien, con unos pocos dias de retraso....
Un beso

Lagavulin dijo...

Muchas gracias, queridas amigas y lectoras. Haré lo posible porque lo que me deseáis se cumpla.


Lagavulin dijo...

Contravoz is moving again!

We soon!